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HolySheets! requires a few key parameters and setup steps before you can begin interacting with your Google Sheets data. Below is a more detailed overview of the necessary configurations.

Quick Start

  1. Install HolySheets!
pnpm install holysheets
  1. Obtain Google Credentials

    • Create a Google Cloud project and enable the Google Sheets API.
    • Generate the appropriate credentials (JWT or OAuth2) with permission to access the intended spreadsheet.
    • For more information about authentication check JWT and OAuth2
  2. Initialize HolySheets

Pass both spreadsheetId and auth to the HolySheets constructor:

import HolySheets from 'holysheets'
import { authClient } from './your-auth-setup'

const holySheetsInstance = new HolySheets({
    spreadsheetId: 'your-spreadsheet-id',
    auth: authClient

Essential Configuration Parameters


  • Description: The unique ID of your Google Spreadsheet, which can be found in the spreadsheet’s URL.
  • Example:

Everything between d/ and /edit is your spreadsheetId.


  • Description: An authenticated Google client capable of calling the Sheets API.
  • Supported Auth Types:
    • JWT (Service Account): Commonly used for server-to-server communications.
    • OAuth2: Used when you need user consent to access their Google Sheets.
  • Example (JWT):
import { google } from 'googleapis'

const authClient = new google.auth.JWT(serviceAccountEmail, null, privateKey, [
  • Example (OAuth2):
import { google } from 'googleapis'

const authClient = new google.auth.OAuth2(clientId, clientSecret, redirectUri)
// Then use authClient.getToken(...) and authClient.setCredentials(...) as needed

Specifying a Sheet

Once you have an instance of HolySheets, you can target a particular sheet (tab) within your spreadsheet by calling base(sheetTitle):

const userSheet = holySheetsInstance.base('Users')

// Now all operations (find, insert, etc.) are performed against the "Users" sheet.

Note: If you omit base(...) or don’t specify a sheet, operations typically fail because the system doesn’t know which tab to target.

Additional Tips

  • Permissions: Your auth client must have permission to read/write the specified spreadsheet (depending on the operations you intend to perform).
  • Sheet Titles: Keep your sheet (tab) names descriptive (e.g., Orders, Users, Inventory). You’ll use these names in base(sheetTitle).
  • Environment Variables: Consider storing your spreadsheetId and auth credentials in environment variables or a secure vault for better security and portability.

Putting It All Together

// Example of a final setup:
import { google } from 'googleapis'
import HolySheets from 'holysheets'

async function createHolySheetsInstance() {
  // 1. Auth - Service Account example
  const authClient = new google.auth.JWT(
    (process.env.GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY || '').replace(/\\n/g, '\n'),

  // 2. Construct HolySheets
  const holySheetsInstance = new HolySheets({
    spreadsheetId: process.env.SPREADSHEET_ID as string,
    auth: authClient

  // 3. Select the "Users" sheet
  const userSheet = holySheetsInstance.base('Users')

  // 4. Perform an operation (e.g., insert)
  const insertResult = await userSheet.insert({
    data: [
      { name: 'Alice', age: 30 },
      { name: 'Bob', age: 25 }



Following these steps ensures that HolySheets! is properly configured and ready to handle your data operations on Google Sheets.

Released under the MIT License.