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Inserting Data

HolySheets! provides a convenient method to insert new data into your Google Sheets. Whether you need to insert a single record or multiple records, HolySheets! makes the process straightforward.

The primary method for inserting data is:

  • insert

This method allows you to specify the data you want to insert as an array of records.


Inserts one or more records into the Google Sheet.


// Insert two new user records
const result = await holySheetsInstance.insert(
    data: [
      { name: 'Alice', age: 30 },
      { name: 'Bob', age: 25 }
    includeMetadata: true


dataRecordType[]undefinedAn array of records to be inserted into the sheet. Each object key corresponds to a column header.


includeMetadatabooleanfalseDetermines whether to include metadata in the response.


A promise that resolves to a OperationResult<RecordType[]> containing the inserted records and optional metadata.

Understanding the Options and Configs

To effectively utilize HolySheets! insertion methods, it's essential to understand the options and configs parameters that can be passed.


  • data: An array of records to insert. Each record’s keys should match the header names in your sheet.


  • includeMetadata: When set to true, the response will include metadata about the operation, such as the duration and status of the insert.

Additional Notes

  • Ensure that the keys in your data objects match the column headers in your sheet to avoid misalignment.
  • Each new record will be appended after the last row currently in the sheet.
  • If you need to insert rows at a specific position, consider alternative methods or reordering your data after insertion.

Released under the MIT License.