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Below is a quick-reference table for the most common HolySheets! types, followed by detailed explanations.

CellValueAllowed cell data types (string, number, boolean, null).
RecordTypeRepresents a single row of data (keys = column headers).
WhereClause<RecordType>Defines conditions for filtering rows (keys = columns; values = filters).
SelectClause<RecordType>Determines which columns to return (true to include, false to omit).
OperationConfigsConfigurations for including metadata and other optional features.
OperationMetadataContains details about a completed operation (e.g., duration, status, errors).
OperationResult<RecordType>Return type for single-record operations (e.g., findFirst).
BatchOperationResult<RecordType>Return type for multi-record operations (e.g., findMany).


Represents the type of data allowed in a single cell. By default, HolySheets! supports strings, numbers, booleans, and null values.

export type CellValue = string | number | boolean | null


A generic type representing a single record (row) in the sheet. Each key corresponds to a column header, and each value must be a valid CellValue.

type RecordType = Record<string, CellValue>

Note: When you instantiate HolySheets!, you can pass your own custom interface (instead of a plain record) if you want strongly typed columns.


Defines conditions for filtering rows. Each key must match a column name in RecordType, and the value can be either:

  • A simple string (e.g., 'Alice' for an equals check), or
  • An object specifying one or more filters (e.g., { not: 'Bob', startsWith: 'A' }).
export type WhereClause<RecordType> = {
  [column in keyof RecordType]?: string | WhereCondition

Where WhereCondition includes supported filters like equals, lt, gt, contains, etc.


Specifies which columns to include in the result. Each key corresponds to a column in RecordType, and the value is a boolean indicating whether to include that column.

export type SelectClause<RecordType> = Partial<{
  [column in keyof RecordType]: boolean

Example usage:

select: { name: true, age: true, status: false }

This includes only name and age columns in the returned data, excluding status.


Allows you to configure additional behaviors for each operation. Currently, the most common config is:

  • includeMetadata (boolean): When true, the operation returns extra metadata (e.g., duration, affected rows).
export type OperationConfigs = {
  includeMetadata: boolean

Usage example:

await holySheetsInstance.findMany(
  { where: { status: 'active' } },
  { includeMetadata: true }


When includeMetadata is true in an operation, HolySheets! returns an OperationMetadata object detailing the results. This can include information such as the duration of the operation, number of records affected, and any errors.


export interface OperationMetadata {
  operationId: string
  timestamp: string // e.g. "2024-01-01T12:00:00.000Z"
  duration: string // e.g. "50ms"
  recordsAffected: number // how many rows were inserted/updated/etc.
  status: 'success' | 'failure'
  operationType: OperationType // e.g. 'insert', 'update', 'delete', 'find', 'clear'
  spreadsheetId: string
  sheetId: string // the name of the sheet
  ranges: string[] // Affected ranges, if any
  error?: string // error message if status = 'failure'
  userId?: string // optional user ID or similar, if available

Key Fields

operationIdstringA unique identifier for the operation.
timestampstringISO-formatted date/time string when the operation occurred.
durationstringHow long the operation took to complete, e.g., "50ms".
recordsAffectednumberHow many records were inserted, updated, or deleted.
status'success' | 'failure'Whether the operation succeeded or failed.
operationTypeOperationTypeThe type of operation performed, e.g., 'insert', 'update', 'delete'.
spreadsheetIdstringThe Google Sheets spreadsheet ID.
sheetIdstringThe name of the specific sheet targeted by this operation.
rangesstring[]An array of ranges that were affected or checked during the operation.
errorstring?An error message if the operation failed.
userIdstring?An optional user identifier for audit or logging purposes.


Represents the result of a single-record operation (like findFirst, updateFirst, deleteFirst, etc.). It includes:

  • data: The returned record (or undefined if none found).
  • metadata: Optional metadata (if includeMetadata was true).
export interface OperationResult<RecordType> {
  data: T | undefined
  metadata?: OperationMetadata


Represents the result of a multi-record operation (like findMany, updateMany, deleteMany, etc.). It includes:

  • data: An array of records (or undefined if none found).
  • metadata: Optional metadata (if includeMetadata was true).
export interface BatchOperationResult<RecordType> {
  data: T[] | undefined
  metadata?: OperationMetadata

Additional Notes

  • Strongly Typed Columns: You can replace RecordType with your own interface or type if your columns are well-defined. For example:
interface UserRecord {
  id: number
  name: string
  email: string
  isActive: boolean

// Then use it with HolySheets:
const sheets = new Holysheets({
  spreadsheetId: 'your-spreadsheet-id',
  auth: yourAuthInstance // OAuth2 or JWT instance

// Select the 'Users' sheet
const usersBase = sheets.base<UserRecord>('Users')
  • Flexible Filtering: WhereClause<RecordType> offers powerful filtering via filter objects (e.g., { equals: 'Alice', startsWith: 'Al' }), which are combined with AND logic if multiple filters exist on the same field.

  • Metadata: Set { includeMetadata: true } in OperationConfigs to receive additional details about your operation. The returned OperationMetadata object can help with logging, auditing, or performance monitoring.

Released under the MIT License.